Thursday, August 20, 2015

Robert T. Kiyosaki Rich Dad Poor Dad Author & My Mom Part 1

This days I quit obsess with this Author. Its because everything that the wrote in his book its like something that ive heard  before (My Mom). What the different perhaps the appproch and of course one are billionare and one its just a homemaker (I Love U Mom) she have been concerning us about the important is to save but neither of her daughter were successful on this matters. Ecspecially me, my achilles heel are "Food" yes it's  was a wasted investment.  I cant help myself when come across something that delicious hehe. I went nuts. But this habit almost get me broke before end of the month. Saving of course you know. Ive been withdraw it. My bad.  Before this,  there is nothing that I really want to own it. Until Soho Evenue Bangi at my place on contruction. It's a Duplex & a Studio Apartment unit (Most people are not exited about this property) I dont know perhaps it was some sort of my memoir when we lived at small studio flat Mei Ling Street , Queenstown Singapore. I most attracted to (Apartment/Condo's/Duplex/Penthouse). Since then I'ved try to "think" as my most valuable aset (brain) never been use properly, How can I afford it?. I never said that before. I never had a passion for cars. So I dont have license. But this time is different. I really want to make it my own. Just dont know how & where to start.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

HUjan Yang Lebat

Hujan sangat lebat.... Aku makan banyak hari ni... entahlah x tau nape... lately asyik rasa nak makan... teruk betolllah... Mana lah x jadi looser..., hehehe.. tension......

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Oh My GOD, It have been years since 2011. The problem is i dont have anything to update. Well my so call "Boring" life. Still singles. Not loosing any weight just keep on gain or maintain which kind of ......... Anyway still solo and My Mum still hunting someone for her poor daughter but unfortunately every person that she find for me of course rejected me. Why??? FATNESS.... Well there's one to blame but me.... just to lazy to workout.. I think my boss is angry right now. Well when this blog is written (office hours of course) is he dissing someone or his voice just to loud for my big ears???. Well i want to do something in my life, i just dont want to end up being looser which is not to far from now.... just dont know what or when or why.. Pathetic!!!! yeah I am 34 years old women still finding her on way of passion..... Yeah2 I know... looser.... Chow till next year hehehe.....

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


hehe, i'm about to piss off, ok why paprika, coz since i'ved bought my induction cooker and since i'ved been watching Jamie Oliver 30 minute meals i've been falling in love with those spices.. I'm actually not a good cook my objective to start cooking is to save money and at the same time i'm trying to cook a healthy meals for myself. Well i don't really cook everyday but it's a baby step... I'm trying to wake early than before... sometimes it works but sometimes.. a .. ah.. Well hopefully i'm able to do so.. ok till next post...daaa

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Proud with Adele

The singer i really proud of her, with her family background she managed to be someone or somebody that suit her. but why i dont

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Premium Beautiful and Me

Honestly aku x pernah nak pakai PB ni tapi one day my dearest sister yang introduce die ckp buleh bayar RM 100 per month. I said ok lah but dlam masa yag sama i'm still not interested until my mom offered a full corset for free.... Hehe sapa yang x suke benda free lagi2 yang harga riban-riban nih..... At first my thought of wearing corset is all about weight loss not a thing about healt. Yelah untuk orang yang x pernah kurus macam i mestilah selalu curiga tentang barangan yang konon nyer dikatakan boleh menguruskan badan. I memang x boleh kurus kalau minum shake or what ever sebab i memang x suke control my appetite... i don't know why.. Its not that i'm not trying i do try but i can't help it.... With PB ni i mostly hope ia boleh hilangkan, senggugut, keputihan, angin and whatever illness that i had... Hopefully.... i can loss some weight will be a bonus... And hey i've join the business to sponsored by my mom... Anybody interested can contact me.... You'll can email me thru chow.