Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Premium Beautiful and Me

Honestly aku x pernah nak pakai PB ni tapi one day my dearest sister yang introduce die ckp buleh bayar RM 100 per month. I said ok lah but dlam masa yag sama i'm still not interested until my mom offered a full corset for free.... Hehe sapa yang x suke benda free lagi2 yang harga riban-riban nih..... At first my thought of wearing corset is all about weight loss not a thing about healt. Yelah untuk orang yang x pernah kurus macam i mestilah selalu curiga tentang barangan yang konon nyer dikatakan boleh menguruskan badan. I memang x boleh kurus kalau minum shake or what ever sebab i memang x suke control my appetite... i don't know why.. Its not that i'm not trying i do try but i can't help it.... With PB ni i mostly hope ia boleh hilangkan, senggugut, keputihan, angin and whatever illness that i had... Hopefully.... i can loss some weight will be a bonus... And hey i've join the business to sponsored by my mom... Anybody interested can contact me.... You'll can email me thru chow.